So for beginning cheating is an acceptable revenge just for whim. and the according to Amiracain customs, a best friend is that? your friend's wife prepares a plan to humiliate and disrespect him and instead of warning him you help this cheap whore to humiliate your friend? better to have 10 enemies than just one friend like this trash. and only Americans would imagine that a man would sit still instead of kicking the ass of this both waste to the sidewalk so that the garbage collectors can get rid of it.
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So for beginning cheating is an acceptable revenge just for whim. and the according to Amiracain customs, a best friend is that? your friend's wife prepares a plan to humiliate and disrespect him and instead of warning him you help this cheap whore to humiliate your friend? better to have 10 enemies than just one friend like this trash. and only Americans would imagine that a man would sit still instead of kicking the ass of this both waste to the sidewalk so that the garbage collectors can get rid of it.