- Title: JapanHDV - Satomi Katayama 【Gets Orgasms, Toys, & Cocks 4 Her Boobs 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: Satomi Katayama comes to this Dr. because she has a problem with the breastfeeding. Her big boobs R examined, & she’s asked about the breast massaging and about the stress in her life. Then, this Dr. proposes a kind of unusual treatment for Satomi Katayama. He brings her a box of sex toy & he puts this babe’s arms in handcuffs. Satomi Katayama has the eyes covered & the huge tits fondled again. She’s aroused more & more with toy over the pink panties & without them. Satomi Katayama has a huge orgasm, & after it her nipples R squeezed. As only 1 of them gives milk, this woman has her hairy slit fucked with a toy so deep until she cums again. Her nipples R squeezed again & the milk comes out. Satomi Katayama gets another vibrator in her crack, working at higher & higher speeds while another 1 arouses her clit. This woman cums again, & she gets 4 hard cocks to stroke & suck same time. She sucks all these dicks, & then she turns these dudes on even more by using a toy in front of them. While doing this... these guys, 1 by 1, cum on her knockers. This nasty slut takes the men’s dicks in her mouth to clean them of cum. With her boobs dirty of a lot sperm, Satomi Katayama keeps on enjoying this sex toy so much, on the Fl, until she has another huge orgasm. What a perfect treatment for this babe’s problem!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Satomi Katayama 【Gets Orgasms, Toys, & Cocks 4 Her Boobs 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: Satomi Katayama comes to this Dr. because she has a problem with the breastfeeding. Her big boobs R examined, & she’s asked about the breast massaging and about the stress in her life. Then, this Dr. proposes a kind of unusual treatment for Satomi Katayama. He brings her a box of sex toy & he puts this babe’s arms in handcuffs. Satomi Katayama has the eyes covered & the huge tits fondled again. She’s aroused more & more with toy over the pink panties & without them. Satomi Katayama has a huge orgasm, & after it her nipples R squeezed. As only 1 of them gives milk, this woman has her hairy slit fucked with a toy so deep until she cums again. Her nipples R squeezed again & the milk comes out. Satomi Katayama gets another vibrator in her crack, working at higher & higher speeds while another 1 arouses her clit. This woman cums again, & she gets 4 hard cocks to stroke & suck same time. She sucks all these dicks, & then she turns these dudes on even more by using a toy in front of them. While doing this... these guys, 1 by 1, cum on her knockers. This nasty slut takes the men’s dicks in her mouth to clean them of cum. With her boobs dirty of a lot sperm, Satomi Katayama keeps on enjoying this sex toy so much, on the Fl, until she has another huge orgasm. What a perfect treatment for this babe’s problem!!...