When Ria spit on her hand at 3:37 I seriously thought she was going to make her porn debut and give a handjob. I think she will continue to tease and I understand she is not interested in porn and will never do porn. Never say never. I still have hope. I respect her and I like her a lot for her decisions but I hope at least she gives a handjob or even a footjob scene in future shoots to come.
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When Ria spit on her hand at 3:37 I seriously thought she was going to make her porn debut and give a handjob. I think she will continue to tease and I understand she is not interested in porn and will never do porn. Never say never. I still have hope. I respect her and I like her a lot for her decisions but I hope at least she gives a handjob or even a footjob scene in future shoots to come.