so the principle of hotwifing is that it is supposed to be exciting and satisfying for a man that his wife is more excited by other men than by him (her husband) and that she considers that sufficient for him (her husband) can jerks off and cumming alone on his sit for Does she take other cocks? women who do this have no respect for their husbands and do not consider them as men. i don"t understand why men become so weakly.. if my wife asked me that.. i would give her a very rough sodomy and i would also go and fuck another woman to teach her a lesson.
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so the principle of hotwifing is that it is supposed to be exciting and satisfying for a man that his wife is more excited by other men than by him (her husband) and that she considers that sufficient for him (her husband) can jerks off and cumming alone on his sit for Does she take other cocks?
women who do this have no respect for their husbands and do not consider them as men.
i don"t understand why men become so weakly.. if my wife asked me that.. i would give her a very rough sodomy and i would also go and fuck another woman to teach her a lesson.