- Alternative Title: MilfsLikeItBig - Bridgette B. 【Banging My Husband’s Boss 【Cougar Sightings 【Vol. 9 【Pt. V】 - Synopsis: Bridgette B.’s husband is a shiftless, lazy bastard who’d rather stay home from work than provide for his beautiful wife. When his younger boss Bill Bailey shows up looking for him, Bridgette B. decides to teach her husband a lesson by fucking Bill in the Living Rm while her husband listens helpless around the corner.
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- Alternative Title: MilfsLikeItBig - Bridgette B. 【Banging My Husband’s Boss 【Cougar Sightings 【Vol. 9 【Pt. V】
- Synopsis: Bridgette B.’s husband is a shiftless, lazy bastard who’d rather stay home from work than provide for his beautiful wife. When his younger boss Bill Bailey shows up looking for him, Bridgette B. decides to teach her husband a lesson by fucking Bill in the Living Rm while her husband listens helpless around the corner.