- Title: MyPervyFamily - Sierra Nicole 【I Know U Stole My Panties, StepBro】 - Studio: FamilyManipulation/MyPervyFamily - Synopsis: My younger StepSister (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) loves to start trouble in our family. Even when we’re growing up, she was constantly causing drama by making up stories. I don’t know how she got away with most of the things she did!!... She even through a party when our parents were out of town, & blamed the whole thing on me!!... Of course, since she’s the youngest, their vision is skewed by her innocent face. But I know the truth about our perfect little angel... A couple buddies of mine mentioned they saw my StepSister (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) at a club hooking up with random strangers. For some reason, this turned me on thinking about my StepSister (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) maturing & having sex. I watched her grow up into a sexy young woman without a care in the world. The want to fuck my StepSister (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) wasn’t going away, so I had to come up with something to keep me from pounding her young pussy. I went into her bedroom, & found a pair of sexy worn panties. The thought of her fresh pussy rubbing against the fabric made me go nuts!!... After she told StepMom that my friends & I R stealing her stuff, I had to convince her that she must be misplacing her clothes. “I know U took my favorite pair of panties!!”... She yelled at me. There’s no way I was giving up those panties, the smell of my StepSister’s sweet juices R so... Right when my mind slips off for a second, & StepSis (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) catches me staring at her crotch with a full hard-on!!... She totally swooned over my cock once I started pumping myself into her wet pussy. I didn’t want to be too selfish, so I admitted that I stole the panties & promise to give them back... Only if she can keep this secret from StepMom!!...
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- Title: MyPervyFamily - Sierra Nicole 【I Know U Stole My Panties, StepBro】
- Studio: FamilyManipulation/MyPervyFamily
- Synopsis: My younger StepSister (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) loves to start trouble in our family. Even when we’re growing up, she was constantly causing drama by making up stories. I don’t know how she got away with most of the things she did!!... She even through a party when our parents were out of town, & blamed the whole thing on me!!... Of course, since she’s the youngest, their vision is skewed by her innocent face. But I know the truth about our perfect little angel... A couple buddies of mine mentioned they saw my StepSister (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) at a club hooking up with random strangers. For some reason, this turned me on thinking about my StepSister (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) maturing & having sex. I watched her grow up into a sexy young woman without a care in the world. The want to fuck my StepSister (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) wasn’t going away, so I had to come up with something to keep me from pounding her young pussy. I went into her bedroom, & found a pair of sexy worn panties. The thought of her fresh pussy rubbing against the fabric made me go nuts!!... After she told StepMom that my friends & I R stealing her stuff, I had to convince her that she must be misplacing her clothes. “I know U took my favorite pair of panties!!”... She yelled at me. There’s no way I was giving up those panties, the smell of my StepSister’s sweet juices R so... Right when my mind slips off for a second, & StepSis (A.K.A Sierra Nicole) catches me staring at her crotch with a full hard-on!!... She totally swooned over my cock once I started pumping myself into her wet pussy. I didn’t want to be too selfish, so I admitted that I stole the panties & promise to give them back... Only if she can keep this secret from StepMom!!...