- Title: JapanHDV - Kyoka Makimura & Sakura Aoi 【The Magic Restaurant With Kyoka & Sakura Fucking Men】 - Synopsis: Kyoka Makimura & Sakura Aoi are very attracted by these 2 men for whom they cooked. After a tense conversation, 1 of these men comes to the bar, & he talks with Sakura Aoi. It’s the perfect time for Kyoka Makimura to approach the guy that she likes. This babe gets more & more daring with the man, taking his cock out of the pants & stroking it. After giving such a good BJ, Kyoka Makimura has her dark pussy licked & fucked with a finger same time. Her cunt is fingered faster, & it gets so very wet!!... This gal sucks the man’s dick again while Sakura Aoi starts to fool around with the other guy. In the kitchen, she has her pussy licked, & she gives a BJ that this man will never forget. She’s fucked from behind... While in the other Rm, her Gf keeps on sucking the cock with a lot of saliva. Kyoka Makimura comes to the kitchen, & she catches the 2 screwing like hell. Now, this dude shares his dick with the chicks, satisfying them 1 by 1. Kyoka Makimura & Sakura Aoi ride the man’s dick 1 by 1, & when 1 of them is fucked from behind, the other 1 watches her so delighted. Kyoka Makimura fucks herself with fingers, watching how Sakura Aoi is screwed between her spread legs. She gets a big orgasm while the other woman gets a lot cum in her hairy cunt. Sakura Aoi is the 1 who licks the tool of cum, in the end.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Kyoka Makimura & Sakura Aoi 【The Magic Restaurant With Kyoka & Sakura Fucking Men】
- Synopsis: Kyoka Makimura & Sakura Aoi are very attracted by these 2 men for whom they cooked. After a tense conversation, 1 of these men comes to the bar, & he talks with Sakura Aoi. It’s the perfect time for Kyoka Makimura to approach the guy that she likes. This babe gets more & more daring with the man, taking his cock out of the pants & stroking it. After giving such a good BJ, Kyoka Makimura has her dark pussy licked & fucked with a finger same time. Her cunt is fingered faster, & it gets so very wet!!... This gal sucks the man’s dick again while Sakura Aoi starts to fool around with the other guy. In the kitchen, she has her pussy licked, & she gives a BJ that this man will never forget. She’s fucked from behind... While in the other Rm, her Gf keeps on sucking the cock with a lot of saliva. Kyoka Makimura comes to the kitchen, & she catches the 2 screwing like hell. Now, this dude shares his dick with the chicks, satisfying them 1 by 1. Kyoka Makimura & Sakura Aoi ride the man’s dick 1 by 1, & when 1 of them is fucked from behind, the other 1 watches her so delighted. Kyoka Makimura fucks herself with fingers, watching how Sakura Aoi is screwed between her spread legs. She gets a big orgasm while the other woman gets a lot cum in her hairy cunt. Sakura Aoi is the 1 who licks the tool of cum, in the end.