- Title: JapanHDV - Aya Kisaki 【Gets A Massage That Ends With Her Pussy Licking 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: Aya Kisaki wants to learn the art of the massage in order to make people more beautiful inside & outside. After a short interview she goes to the massage room to get 1. What better way of learning the massage technique can be if not getting 1? Aya Kisaki takes her clothes off & puts a towel on B4 laying on the table. This guy who gives the massage starts by taking care of Aya Kisaki’s arms & legs. She gets compliments about her skin, & then she’s asked the permission of being massaged with a machine. Aya Kisaki is very relaxed by this machine B4 getting to the oiled part of the massage. After the arms & the legs R massaged with oil, it’s the Aya Kisaki’s hot ass cheeks turn. This model is licked all over her body by the masseur including between the ass cheeks. Aya Kisaki gets so aroused feeling the man’s tongue close to the pussy! She turns over, & her boobies R oiled & fondled while her nipples R rubbed. When her nipples R licked & sucked, Aya Kisaki really goes wild! She spreads her legs when the guy massages her so close to the cunt. He gets between Aya Kisaki’s legs & starts licking her pussy while her nipples R rubbed faster & faster until she cums big time! She’s left speechless after such a fantastic massage! Not only Aya Kisaki’s sexy body is all relaxed, but her pussy is also very satisfied after such a good licking! - Pt. II¦ JapanHDV - Aya Kisaki 【Is Fucked During A Massage, Once Again】
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- Title: JapanHDV - Aya Kisaki 【Gets A Massage That Ends With Her Pussy Licking 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: Aya Kisaki wants to learn the art of the massage in order to make people more beautiful inside & outside. After a short interview she goes to the massage room to get 1. What better way of learning the massage technique can be if not getting 1? Aya Kisaki takes her clothes off & puts a towel on B4 laying on the table. This guy who gives the massage starts by taking care of Aya Kisaki’s arms & legs. She gets compliments about her skin, & then she’s asked the permission of being massaged with a machine. Aya Kisaki is very relaxed by this machine B4 getting to the oiled part of the massage. After the arms & the legs R massaged with oil, it’s the Aya Kisaki’s hot ass cheeks turn. This model is licked all over her body by the masseur including between the ass cheeks. Aya Kisaki gets so aroused feeling the man’s tongue close to the pussy! She turns over, & her boobies R oiled & fondled while her nipples R rubbed. When her nipples R licked & sucked, Aya Kisaki really goes wild! She spreads her legs when the guy massages her so close to the cunt. He gets between Aya Kisaki’s legs & starts licking her pussy while her nipples R rubbed faster & faster until she cums big time! She’s left speechless after such a fantastic massage! Not only Aya Kisaki’s sexy body is all relaxed, but her pussy is also very satisfied after such a good licking!
- Pt. II¦ JapanHDV - Aya Kisaki 【Is Fucked During A Massage, Once Again】