pathetic r*c*st propaganda...and to complete this stupidity the scenario was written by simple-minded people...if he provides anything, how could his wife kick him out of his own house? does the law work backwards in the u.s.a. ? I would have slapped and s*d*mized this wh*r* and then kicked her disgusting ass out of my house so she could go live with trash and dogs under a bridge where she deserve to be..
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pathetic r*c*st propaganda...and to complete this stupidity the scenario was written by simple-minded people...if he provides anything, how could his wife kick him out of his own house? does the law work backwards in the u.s.a. ? I would have slapped and s*d*mized this wh*r* and then kicked her disgusting ass out of my house so she could go live with trash and dogs under a bridge where she deserve to be..