- Title: JapanHDV - Chihiro Akino 【Hot Nurse Get’s Blackmailed Into Sex 【Pt. II】 - Synopsis: Chihiro Akino is such a horny nurse. She’s well known for not being able to keep her hands off her students. Eventually, 1 of them took some scandalous photos of her, & he uses them to blackmail her into sex. It’s not like she wouldn’t have fucked him. She was in the process of seducing another guy when the blackmail happened. & the thrills of her being exposed as a massive slut is turning her on even more. Luckily, she was blackmailed by a guy who knows his way around the pussy. He knows how to handle a woman. After he took her clothes off, he started playing with her hairy pussy. Some fingering & some pussy licking made Chihiro Akino forget about the fact that she’s being blackmailed & just enjoyed the cock of the guy. She took it in her mouth & sucked it so well. After that, she squished it between her tits & rubbed it’s head against her hard nipples. By the time the penetration came, she was feeling so good. Her pussy got properly fucked, & at the end the guy just came inside her. The close-up of Chihiro Akino’s hairy pussy with cum dripping out is excellent.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Chihiro Akino 【Hot Nurse Get’s Blackmailed Into Sex 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: Chihiro Akino is such a horny nurse. She’s well known for not being able to keep her hands off her students. Eventually, 1 of them took some scandalous photos of her, & he uses them to blackmail her into sex. It’s not like she wouldn’t have fucked him. She was in the process of seducing another guy when the blackmail happened. & the thrills of her being exposed as a massive slut is turning her on even more. Luckily, she was blackmailed by a guy who knows his way around the pussy. He knows how to handle a woman. After he took her clothes off, he started playing with her hairy pussy. Some fingering & some pussy licking made Chihiro Akino forget about the fact that she’s being blackmailed & just enjoyed the cock of the guy. She took it in her mouth & sucked it so well. After that, she squished it between her tits & rubbed it’s head against her hard nipples. By the time the penetration came, she was feeling so good. Her pussy got properly fucked, & at the end the guy just came inside her. The close-up of Chihiro Akino’s hairy pussy with cum dripping out is excellent.