The reviews said it was her first anal but she clearly shows that she was comfortable with whatever was in her ass. I seen chicks struggle and their breathing becomes fast and deep but this chick showed none of that. I watched her DP scene and her scene at BamVision with Mick Blue. She told Mick during the interview that the guys here at EGC called her an "Anal Queen" I bet Mick quietly laughed at that and decided to try a Bull Elephant dildo in her ass. She only just got the tip in. When she can shove her whole fist up her own ass then maybe she could be a contender for "Anal Queen"
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The reviews said it was her first anal but she clearly shows that she was comfortable with whatever was in her ass. I seen chicks struggle and their breathing becomes fast and deep but this chick showed none of that. I watched her DP scene and her scene at BamVision with Mick Blue. She told Mick during the interview that the guys here at EGC called her an "Anal Queen" I bet Mick quietly laughed at that and decided to try a Bull Elephant dildo in her ass. She only just got the tip in. When she can shove her whole fist up her own ass then maybe she could be a contender for "Anal Queen"