how do you expect couples to last more than a few years when you see this kind of bullshit.. "I don't know if you understand how happy it makes me that you're okay with this" so what makes you happy in our marriage is that you were unfaithful to me with my consent, sweetheart? what a lovely wife I have...(it's irony of course) "you gonna think about me while getting fucked" no not at all she will just think of the pleasure it takes because you are an asshole who is not able to assume his duty as a husband
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how do you expect couples to last more than a few years when you see this kind of bullshit..
"I don't know if you understand how happy it makes me that you're okay with this" so what makes you happy in our marriage is that you were unfaithful to me with my consent, sweetheart?
what a lovely wife I have...(it's irony of course)
"you gonna think about me while getting fucked"
no not at all she will just think of the pleasure it takes because you are an asshole who is not able to assume his duty as a husband