- Title: PervDr - Madi Laine 【Getting That Dr.’s Note 【Pervy Dr 【Vol. I【Pt. IV】 - Synopsis: When Madi Laine visits Dr. Wrex Oliver, she tells him that she scratched her side with a rusty nail, & she needs him to clear her for her volleyball game. After a deep examination, Dr. Oliver determines that she can’t be cleared, so Madi offers to do anything to get him to help her. Soon, the patient is down on her knees, properly paying for that Dr.’s note...
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- Title: PervDr - Madi Laine 【Getting That Dr.’s Note 【Pervy Dr 【Vol. I【Pt. IV】
- Synopsis: When Madi Laine visits Dr. Wrex Oliver, she tells him that she scratched her side with a rusty nail, & she needs him to clear her for her volleyball game. After a deep examination, Dr. Oliver determines that she can’t be cleared, so Madi offers to do anything to get him to help her. Soon, the patient is down on her knees, properly paying for that Dr.’s note...