My Stepmom is the best mommy ever. She lets me sleep with her every night choosing her son over husband, let's me cuddle with her at any time even if it's 12 in the night. But she likes being a good submissive bitch for her baby and never takes the ball gag off her mouth. Yeah, I gag my stepmom with a ball gag whenever we fuck and she loves to drool all over my cock with the ball gag in her mouth. Unlike Jordan she never takes off the gag.
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My Stepmom is the best mommy ever. She lets me sleep with her every night choosing her son over husband, let's me cuddle with her at any time even if it's 12 in the night. But she likes being a good submissive bitch for her baby and never takes the ball gag off her mouth. Yeah, I gag my stepmom with a ball gag whenever we fuck and she loves to drool all over my cock with the ball gag in her mouth. Unlike Jordan she never takes off the gag.
She should be somebody wife, with her sexy sexy ass.
Dam she got it all a man needs. I love to be her man so sexy and cute.