- Title: JapanHDV - Yura Hitomi 【Gets A Special Treatment Of Cunnilingus At The Massage Parlor 【Pt. II】 - Synopsis: Yura Hitomi was in need of some special attention. She was feeling like she needed some hands on her body to relax her. She had seen a massage parlor nearby that looked like it would be able to accommodate her need for a deep muscle massage & a full body oil massage. She went in thinking she would just get a great massage to help her feel better, but was given the option of a full treatment massage. That sounded much better & she opted for that. The massage starts out as normal with her neck & shoulders being rubbed & massaged. She enjoyed this, & the hands of the male masseuse were heaven to her, as he used oil to rub her back, shoulders, & arms. This is what she had come for, a relaxing time with a masseuse rubbing her aching body & helping her to relieve the tension she felt. She was a bit surprised when the masseuse removed her towel & rubbed oil down on her lower back, & then ass. She could feel his hands all over her thighs, & then ass as he massaged her muscles, & as he did he would lightly touch her asshole & pussy as he worked on her inner thighs. Yura Hitomi started to moan louder as he took his time around her ass, asking her to spread her legs some, & also to point her ass up in the air as he then leaned in, & told her he would be using his tongue to massage her. She had never experienced this kind of massage & was quite surprised that this special treatment included cunnilingus. His tongue probed her pussy & ass, & he stuck in deep inside her & darted his tongue into her pussy sucking her lips & massaging them as well. The whole Hr long treatment was wonderful. Please watch the full video to see the entire special treatment she received. - Pt. I: Yura Hitomi 【Visits A Massage Parlor & Gets A Special Treatment 【Pt. I】
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- Title: JapanHDV - Yura Hitomi 【Gets A Special Treatment Of Cunnilingus At The Massage Parlor 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: Yura Hitomi was in need of some special attention. She was feeling like she needed some hands on her body to relax her. She had seen a massage parlor nearby that looked like it would be able to accommodate her need for a deep muscle massage & a full body oil massage. She went in thinking she would just get a great massage to help her feel better, but was given the option of a full treatment massage. That sounded much better & she opted for that. The massage starts out as normal with her neck & shoulders being rubbed & massaged. She enjoyed this, & the hands of the male masseuse were heaven to her, as he used oil to rub her back, shoulders, & arms. This is what she had come for, a relaxing time with a masseuse rubbing her aching body & helping her to relieve the tension she felt. She was a bit surprised when the masseuse removed her towel & rubbed oil down on her lower back, & then ass. She could feel his hands all over her thighs, & then ass as he massaged her muscles, & as he did he would lightly touch her asshole & pussy as he worked on her inner thighs. Yura Hitomi started to moan louder as he took his time around her ass, asking her to spread her legs some, & also to point her ass up in the air as he then leaned in, & told her he would be using his tongue to massage her. She had never experienced this kind of massage & was quite surprised that this special treatment included cunnilingus. His tongue probed her pussy & ass, & he stuck in deep inside her & darted his tongue into her pussy sucking her lips & massaging them as well. The whole Hr long treatment was wonderful. Please watch the full video to see the entire special treatment she received.
- Pt. I: Yura Hitomi 【Visits A Massage Parlor & Gets A Special Treatment 【Pt. I】