- Title: LittleDragonPictures - Alix Lovell, Cameron Canela, Dawn Isabella, Jillian Janson, Payton Hall, Sami Parker, Shelby Paris, & Sonia Harcourt 【My 1st Lesbian Sex Teacher 【Vol. IV】 - Synopsis: It’s time to watch these 1st time lezzies get their cherries popped by their experienced lesbian friends for a 4th time!!... Just like Ur 1st kiss... No 1 ever forgets their 1st lesbian sex teacher!!... That special girl’s girl gets U steaming hot W. her soft lips, & knowing fingers, leading U down lesbian lane, & then letting you take a turn driving her crazy right after she makes U dipping wet W. desire!!... This 4th installment of the ongoing smash hit series keeps turning up the heat!!... - Scene I: Shelby Paris & Sonia Harcourt - Scene II: Alix Lovell & Jillian Janson - Scene III: Dawn Isabella & Shelby Paris - Scene IV: Cameron Canela & Sami Parker - Scene V: Payton Hall & Shelby Paris
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- Title: LittleDragonPictures - Alix Lovell, Cameron Canela, Dawn Isabella, Jillian Janson, Payton Hall, Sami Parker, Shelby Paris, & Sonia Harcourt 【My 1st Lesbian Sex Teacher 【Vol. IV】
- Synopsis: It’s time to watch these 1st time lezzies get their cherries popped by their experienced lesbian friends for a 4th time!!... Just like Ur 1st kiss... No 1 ever forgets their 1st lesbian sex teacher!!... That special girl’s girl gets U steaming hot W. her soft lips, & knowing fingers, leading U down lesbian lane, & then letting you take a turn driving her crazy right after she makes U dipping wet W. desire!!... This 4th installment of the ongoing smash hit series keeps turning up the heat!!...
- Scene I: Shelby Paris & Sonia Harcourt
- Scene II: Alix Lovell & Jillian Janson
- Scene III: Dawn Isabella & Shelby Paris
- Scene IV: Cameron Canela & Sami Parker
- Scene V: Payton Hall & Shelby Paris