- Title: JapanHDV - Hitomi Ohashi 【Lonely Japanese Housewife Lures Her Neighbor 2 Her Apt 2 Fuck】 - Synopsis: Hitomi Ohashi is in love with her neighbor. Hitomi Ohashi is married but she dreams about sucking other men’s cocks. She’s a typical lonely Japanese housewife. She enjoys her time alone when her husband is gone, but she does get lonely. Her husband is usually so busy that he has little time to do anything but eat & sleep when he gets home at night. So what ends up happening is that she just dreams of some hot cock neighbor. But today she has decided that she’s tired of fingering her own pussy & she’s going to seduce the man who lives next door. She’s sure that he has a cock she would love down her throat, & she’s going to see if she can get some of his hard cock in 1 of her holes. She waits till she thinks he has come home, & then enters the hallway of their building & acts as if there’s something wrong with the water in her house to lure him in & get him alone. She then proceeds to tempt him as she leans over, & shows him her cleavage & her big tits. She uses her tits as a weapon & thinks that when he sees her bend over & how big they R, that he won’t be able to say “No”, & will get horny enough that he’ll get hard & then she knows she has him, & will be able to get what she wants out of him. Her plan of course works & he’s very surprised to see her bend over & her tits almost fall out of her top. He gets hard, & Hitomi Ohashi can see the bulge in his pants & she knows she got him. She reaches down with her hand & starts to rub his cock, & she then unzips his pants & pulls his hard dick out. She sees his cock &... Go watch the full video to see what she does with his manhood once she has it in her hands. It’s worth it. Hitomi Ohashi is so fucking hot!
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- Title: JapanHDV - Hitomi Ohashi 【Lonely Japanese Housewife Lures Her Neighbor 2 Her Apt 2 Fuck】
- Synopsis: Hitomi Ohashi is in love with her neighbor. Hitomi Ohashi is married but she dreams about sucking other men’s cocks. She’s a typical lonely Japanese housewife. She enjoys her time alone when her husband is gone, but she does get lonely. Her husband is usually so busy that he has little time to do anything but eat & sleep when he gets home at night. So what ends up happening is that she just dreams of some hot cock neighbor. But today she has decided that she’s tired of fingering her own pussy & she’s going to seduce the man who lives next door. She’s sure that he has a cock she would love down her throat, & she’s going to see if she can get some of his hard cock in 1 of her holes. She waits till she thinks he has come home, & then enters the hallway of their building & acts as if there’s something wrong with the water in her house to lure him in & get him alone. She then proceeds to tempt him as she leans over, & shows him her cleavage & her big tits. She uses her tits as a weapon & thinks that when he sees her bend over & how big they R, that he won’t be able to say “No”, & will get horny enough that he’ll get hard & then she knows she has him, & will be able to get what she wants out of him. Her plan of course works & he’s very surprised to see her bend over & her tits almost fall out of her top. He gets hard, & Hitomi Ohashi can see the bulge in his pants & she knows she got him. She reaches down with her hand & starts to rub his cock, & she then unzips his pants & pulls his hard dick out. She sees his cock &... Go watch the full video to see what she does with his manhood once she has it in her hands. It’s worth it. Hitomi Ohashi is so fucking hot!