- Title: JapanHDV - Rei Senzaka 【Is A Tourist In Japan When Approached By A Man Looking 2 Fuck】 - Synopsis: Rei Senzaka is a tourist in Macau. She’s alone and just gotten there, but wants to explore the city. But in this city, there R some Japanese men that R on the lookout for Japanese tourists that R women traveling alone. They spend their days trying to pick them up. Rei Senzaka meets 1 of these men. His approach is that he’s also a tourist, & will have some tea with her & also guide her to parts of the city that R of interest. He takes her to a place & chats with her, & then as they chat, he turns the talk to sex, & tries to peak her interest in spending some time naked getting her pussy worked on. Rei Senzaka is quite open to his ideas, & since she’s alone & quite adventurous, she allows him to talk& start to touch her. He gets up & from behind, & he reaches around & starts to grab her titts, & then unbutton her top. He has her sweater unbutton, her T-Shirt pulled up, & her bra exposed as he grabs both of her tits. He compliments her, & makes her feel nice & secure when he reaches down to her skirt & pulls it up to start to rub her legs. She just watches as he moves his hands all over her legs & back to her tits again. He spends a lot of time on her tits, & then comes around to pull her bra down, so he can lick her nipples. She has very large tits, & her nipples R erect & so suckable. She’s getting turned on enough for him to just pull her top off & then her bra, so he can have all of her tits in his hands. He then reaches down between her legs &... Go watch the full video to see what he does next with her sweet pussy!!... - P.S: Anyone know the movie code?
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- Title: JapanHDV - Rei Senzaka 【Is A Tourist In Japan When Approached By A Man Looking 2 Fuck】
- Synopsis: Rei Senzaka is a tourist in Macau. She’s alone and just gotten there, but wants to explore the city. But in this city, there R some Japanese men that R on the lookout for Japanese tourists that R women traveling alone. They spend their days trying to pick them up. Rei Senzaka meets 1 of these men. His approach is that he’s also a tourist, & will have some tea with her & also guide her to parts of the city that R of interest. He takes her to a place & chats with her, & then as they chat, he turns the talk to sex, & tries to peak her interest in spending some time naked getting her pussy worked on. Rei Senzaka is quite open to his ideas, & since she’s alone & quite adventurous, she allows him to talk& start to touch her. He gets up & from behind, & he reaches around & starts to grab her titts, & then unbutton her top. He has her sweater unbutton, her T-Shirt pulled up, & her bra exposed as he grabs both of her tits. He compliments her, & makes her feel nice & secure when he reaches down to her skirt & pulls it up to start to rub her legs. She just watches as he moves his hands all over her legs & back to her tits again. He spends a lot of time on her tits, & then comes around to pull her bra down, so he can lick her nipples. She has very large tits, & her nipples R erect & so suckable. She’s getting turned on enough for him to just pull her top off & then her bra, so he can have all of her tits in his hands. He then reaches down between her legs &... Go watch the full video to see what he does next with her sweet pussy!!...
- P.S: Anyone know the movie code?