- Title: FamilyTherapy - Josie Tucker 【In Bed】 - Synopsis: “Wake up! What R U doing in my bed?! I told U to stop taking naps in my bed. That’s what Ur bed is for... And why would U be naked in Ur big StepSister’s bed?! That’s gross... Why R U such a little weirdo?! Hold on a second, I want to look at it for a second... Don’t worry about that”...
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- Title: FamilyTherapy - Josie Tucker 【In Bed】
- Synopsis: “Wake up! What R U doing in my bed?! I told U to stop taking naps in my bed. That’s what Ur bed is for... And why would U be naked in Ur big StepSister’s bed?! That’s gross... Why R U such a little weirdo?! Hold on a second, I want to look at it for a second... Don’t worry about that”...