- Title: MyPervyFamily - Carmen Valentina 【Crush On Me】 - Synopsis: For Mother’s Day, I (A.K.A Apollo Banks) sent my new StepMom (A.K.A Carmen Valentina) some flowers. She seemed pleased, like extra pleased. It’s a bit weird, but when she tells me she went through my browser history, I see where the awkwardness is coming from. I watch lots of porn. How embarrassing she found out!!... When she moves in to kiss me, my humiliation turns to horniness. She let’s me feel her great tits, & then pulls out my big hard cock... Kisses & licks it. She lifts her skirt up & eases herself down on to my fatty cock. She’s wild, & wants me to spank her in reverse cowgirl too!!... She screams & moans as I fuck her in doggy & pull her hair. I make her orgasm hard, then pull out & cum all over her gaping hole!!...
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- Title: MyPervyFamily - Carmen Valentina 【Crush On Me】
- Synopsis: For Mother’s Day, I (A.K.A Apollo Banks) sent my new StepMom (A.K.A Carmen Valentina) some flowers. She seemed pleased, like extra pleased. It’s a bit weird, but when she tells me she went through my browser history, I see where the awkwardness is coming from. I watch lots of porn. How embarrassing she found out!!... When she moves in to kiss me, my humiliation turns to horniness. She let’s me feel her great tits, & then pulls out my big hard cock... Kisses & licks it. She lifts her skirt up & eases herself down on to my fatty cock. She’s wild, & wants me to spank her in reverse cowgirl too!!... She screams & moans as I fuck her in doggy & pull her hair. I make her orgasm hard, then pull out & cum all over her gaping hole!!...