- Title: GirlsWay - Bunny Colby & Skylar Snow 【U’ve Been Avoiding Me】 - Synopsis: Bunny Colby is lounging at home when her friend and cycling partner, Skylar Snow, drops by unannounced. Skylar Snow is upset and Bunny Colby let’s her inside to talk but looks guilty. Skylar Snow confronts Bunny about how she’s been “Ghosting” her lately. Bunny Colby is dodgy and hesitant to say exactly WHY she’s been avoiding her, which causes Skylar Snow to worry that she’s done something wrong. Not wanting Skylar Snow to feel she’s to blame, Bunny eventually admits that she's been “Ghosting”, Skylar Snow because she’s embarrassed about how... Aroused... She gets when cycling because of the friction against the seat! It gets SO BAD that she always has a WET spot in her pants. There’s NO WAY she can keep going out in public like THAT. Skylar Snow is shocked but relieved to hear the truth. She then looks a little lustful as she makes herself comfortable & admits that SHE naturally gets horny while riding sometimes, too. How can she NOT with all that bumping & grinding? BUT Skylar Snow wants her cycling buddy back, & she has a fun idea on how to take the edge off B4 biking...
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- Title: GirlsWay - Bunny Colby & Skylar Snow 【U’ve Been Avoiding Me】
- Synopsis: Bunny Colby is lounging at home when her friend and cycling partner, Skylar Snow, drops by unannounced. Skylar Snow is upset and Bunny Colby let’s her inside to talk but looks guilty. Skylar Snow confronts Bunny about how she’s been “Ghosting” her lately. Bunny Colby is dodgy and hesitant to say exactly WHY she’s been avoiding her, which causes Skylar Snow to worry that she’s done something wrong. Not wanting Skylar Snow to feel she’s to blame, Bunny eventually admits that she's been “Ghosting”, Skylar Snow because she’s embarrassed about how... Aroused... She gets when cycling because of the friction against the seat! It gets SO BAD that she always has a WET spot in her pants. There’s NO WAY she can keep going out in public like THAT. Skylar Snow is shocked but relieved to hear the truth. She then looks a little lustful as she makes herself comfortable & admits that SHE naturally gets horny while riding sometimes, too. How can she NOT with all that bumping & grinding? BUT Skylar Snow wants her cycling buddy back, & she has a fun idea on how to take the edge off B4 biking...