- Title: DadCrush - Brenna McKenna 【2 Works Better Than 1】 - Synopsis: Ike can’t help but notice that his StepDaughter, Brenna McKenna... Is stressed out by her heavy workload. She’s a hard worker, & as a concerned StepDad... He tries to help her find a natural way to release her tension. When Brenna McKenna mentions that masturbation typically does the trick for her, she realizes that a helping hand might work even better.
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- Title: DadCrush - Brenna McKenna 【2 Works Better Than 1】
- Synopsis: Ike can’t help but notice that his StepDaughter, Brenna McKenna... Is stressed out by her heavy workload. She’s a hard worker, & as a concerned StepDad... He tries to help her find a natural way to release her tension. When Brenna McKenna mentions that masturbation typically does the trick for her, she realizes that a helping hand might work even better.