- Title: JapanHDV - Chihiro Akino 【& Her Lover R On A Date In The Philippines】 - Synopsis: Chihiro Akino is on a date in The Philippines with her lover. They’ve gone to a lovely small place where they can enjoy the beach & the sunsets. The hotel is on the beach where they can swim, & enjoy the water & the sand. These 2 feel very free here, as they’re away from home & in this environment they feel more open. Chihiro Akino is very happy to have this time with her lover, & wants to take this time to get to know him better. Her lover is also very happy to be away from home, so he can just be together & enjoy some time together. They spend the day on the hotel grounds enjoying the sunset & the drinks they offer by the pool. The weather is nice in the evening, but it was a hot day... & it takes a lot of energy out of them to be in such a hot place. They walk around till evening, explore the area, & find a ferris wheel they can enjoy as well as some other attractions that R there for lovers on vacation. The 2 R tired from the long day & all the time spent outside enjoying the hotel grounds. The 2 decide to go back to their Rm B4 it gets too late. Once back at the hotel, the 2 lovers R ready to enjoy each other, & her lover starts to kiss her & rub her big tits. She has the greatest tits, & his hands R all over them, & he pulls her top up & her bra down, & he starts to kiss her nipples. She’s getting very excited with all this titty play, & he can tell she wants to take off her clothes & do some more intimate things.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Chihiro Akino 【& Her Lover R On A Date In The Philippines】
- Synopsis: Chihiro Akino is on a date in The Philippines with her lover. They’ve gone to a lovely small place where they can enjoy the beach & the sunsets. The hotel is on the beach where they can swim, & enjoy the water & the sand. These 2 feel very free here, as they’re away from home & in this environment they feel more open. Chihiro Akino is very happy to have this time with her lover, & wants to take this time to get to know him better. Her lover is also very happy to be away from home, so he can just be together & enjoy some time together. They spend the day on the hotel grounds enjoying the sunset & the drinks they offer by the pool. The weather is nice in the evening, but it was a hot day... & it takes a lot of energy out of them to be in such a hot place. They walk around till evening, explore the area, & find a ferris wheel they can enjoy as well as some other attractions that R there for lovers on vacation. The 2 R tired from the long day & all the time spent outside enjoying the hotel grounds. The 2 decide to go back to their Rm B4 it gets too late. Once back at the hotel, the 2 lovers R ready to enjoy each other, & her lover starts to kiss her & rub her big tits. She has the greatest tits, & his hands R all over them, & he pulls her top up & her bra down, & he starts to kiss her nipples. She’s getting very excited with all this titty play, & he can tell she wants to take off her clothes & do some more intimate things.