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- Title: MyPervyFamily - Joslyn James 【Dreamin Of Creamin My StepMommy】 ©
- Studio: FamilyManipulation/MyPervyFamily
- Synopsis: When I catch my stacked StepMom Joslyn James lotioning up after the shower, I can't help but watch... & jerk off, but just a little! When she catches me peeping, that’s when things get fantastic... She asks if my Dad is around and then invites me to her Rm. Joslyn James tells me she knows that I fantasize about her as she’s fishing my cock from my pants. She says if I don’t tell my Dad, she’ll let me fuck her massive tits. She spits on my cock, while I titty-fuck her. Then, she gives me the sloppiest of BJs with her big, sexy MILF lips. She slides my hard dick into her shaved hole & bounces as her massive boobs fill my view. For a StepMom, Joslyn James is freaky & likes to get choked too! I make her orgasm while she bounces her phat ass on my cock. I get on top of fuck her hole hard until I shoot my big load in my StepMom... It comes gushing right out of her pulsing pussy! Things got fantastic like I said. In reality, she caught me peeping on her with a wad of cum in my hand, but that doesn’t make such a good story - Does it?!