- Title: MyPervyFamily - Lilly Ford 【Spending My B-Day Between My StepDaughter’s Legs 【StepBrother & Sister Perversions 【Vol. 16 【Pt. V】 - Synopsis: Every year& my wife & StepDaughter (A.K.A Lilly Ford) throw me parties for my B-Day. I tell my wife that she really doesn’t need to make a big deal over my B-Days but she always does anyways. While my wife decided to go out for some party supplies, I decided to hang out by the Jacuzzi. While enjoying the warm bubbles, my beautiful 18 Yrs. Old StepDaughter walked out in her pink bikini & wished me a cheerful Happy B-Day! I can’t believe how grown she’s getting, after all....I feel like we were just celebrating her 18th B-Day yesterday, even though it was over 6 months ago. Man, does time fly! After wishing me a Happy B-Day, she asks me for a sip out of my cup. My initial reaction was no, but I realize she’s getting older, & she’s going to want to experiment with things. So I tell her she can, but only if she promises not tell her StepMom , as I don’t want her StepMom to think I’m condoning this behavior! But who am I kidding, I just can’t say “No” to my StepDaughter... She bought this incredible book for me, which she didn’t have to do! But she tells me that there’s more to my B-Day gift. Then, I watch as her bikini top starts to slip off her petite body! I can’t believe my eyes! She starts talking dirty to me & I know I shouldn’t keep looking, but it’s impossible to resist her! I was surprised at how developed she has gotten, & how much she craved my cock. She sucked me off so good, I can’t believe how much of a dirty little slut my StepDaughter could be, but at the same time... I loved it!
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- Title: MyPervyFamily - Lilly Ford 【Spending My B-Day Between My StepDaughter’s Legs 【StepBrother & Sister Perversions 【Vol. 16 【Pt. V】
- Synopsis: Every year& my wife & StepDaughter (A.K.A Lilly Ford) throw me parties for my B-Day. I tell my wife that she really doesn’t need to make a big deal over my B-Days but she always does anyways. While my wife decided to go out for some party supplies, I decided to hang out by the Jacuzzi. While enjoying the warm bubbles, my beautiful 18 Yrs. Old StepDaughter walked out in her pink bikini & wished me a cheerful Happy B-Day! I can’t believe how grown she’s getting, after all....I feel like we were just celebrating her 18th B-Day yesterday, even though it was over 6 months ago. Man, does time fly! After wishing me a Happy B-Day, she asks me for a sip out of my cup. My initial reaction was no, but I realize she’s getting older, & she’s going to want to experiment with things. So I tell her she can, but only if she promises not tell her StepMom , as I don’t want her StepMom to think I’m condoning this behavior! But who am I kidding, I just can’t say “No” to my StepDaughter... She bought this incredible book for me, which she didn’t have to do! But she tells me that there’s more to my B-Day gift. Then, I watch as her bikini top starts to slip off her petite body! I can’t believe my eyes! She starts talking dirty to me & I know I shouldn’t keep looking, but it’s impossible to resist her! I was surprised at how developed she has gotten, & how much she craved my cock. She sucked me off so good, I can’t believe how much of a dirty little slut my StepDaughter could be, but at the same time... I loved it!