- Title: JapanHDV - Koto Shizuku & Yume Mizuki 【Have A Double Date That Ends In An Orgy】 - Synopsis: Yume Mizuki & her lover R waiting for Koto Shizuku & her Bf to go out on a double date. Koto Shizuku & Yume Mizuki R good friends & enjoy spending time together, & this is the 1st time they decided to also bring along their significant others. They stay in at Yume Mizuki ’s Apt to have lunch together & after eating Yume Mizuki is feeling a little horny & slides up to her Bf to cuddle. She wants some attention & starts to kiss him. The couples sit down to have some snacks & coffee, & stat to play around. It seems that since 1 couple is getting a little playful & handsy that the other sees, & also does the same. Yume Mizuki has such great tits that her Bf has his hands all over them, & kisses her neck from behind. It also seems that each couple is looking at the other, thinking how hot they R. Then, the girls go for the dicks & pull them out to suck on them not caring if the other couple can see them sucking off their Bfs. They can’t control themselves, & just end up fucking right there in the Living Rm. It seems that each couple was very interested in the other as they then decide to swap partners, & they end up doing a bit of swinging as each couple is now with the other partner, & they just go for it & fuck. The whole event devolves into a fuckfest for all of them as they switch back & forth, & even all get together to play together at 1 point in their now ongoing orgy...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Koto Shizuku & Yume Mizuki 【Have A Double Date That Ends In An Orgy】
- Synopsis: Yume Mizuki & her lover R waiting for Koto Shizuku & her Bf to go out on a double date. Koto Shizuku & Yume Mizuki R good friends & enjoy spending time together, & this is the 1st time they decided to also bring along their significant others. They stay in at Yume Mizuki ’s Apt to have lunch together & after eating Yume Mizuki is feeling a little horny & slides up to her Bf to cuddle. She wants some attention & starts to kiss him. The couples sit down to have some snacks & coffee, & stat to play around. It seems that since 1 couple is getting a little playful & handsy that the other sees, & also does the same. Yume Mizuki has such great tits that her Bf has his hands all over them, & kisses her neck from behind. It also seems that each couple is looking at the other, thinking how hot they R. Then, the girls go for the dicks & pull them out to suck on them not caring if the other couple can see them sucking off their Bfs. They can’t control themselves, & just end up fucking right there in the Living Rm. It seems that each couple was very interested in the other as they then decide to swap partners, & they end up doing a bit of swinging as each couple is now with the other partner, & they just go for it & fuck. The whole event devolves into a fuckfest for all of them as they switch back & forth, & even all get together to play together at 1 point in their now ongoing orgy...