- Title: JapanHDV - Kokona Sakurai 【Japanese Housewife & Her Husband Make Love 4 The 1st Time】 - Synopsis: Kokona Sakurai is our cheating Japanese housewife. She’s lovely, sexy, & so cute. She still has the body of a young Japanese wife. Her husband has a deal with her that she’s allowed to live her life & him his ... & that they’ll only live together, but not as husband & wife or lovers. But there has been a change of heart with her husband. He came home one early morning after a night out with the office staff. She helped him when he came in the door, & while she was getting him ready for bed... Took his cock out of his pants & sucked him off. That wasn’t in their deal when they got married, but she saw him so vulnerable & how she’s able to help him, & decided that his cock in her mouth would be a nice thing for both of them. She sucked him off & he’s able to unload his full load of cum into her mouth. She loved the taste of his cum & hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time she had his cock deep inside her. Perhaps it was because of this that, her husband had a change of heart. He let her know that he wanted to change the arrangement between them 2, & he would like to experience a life with her as his real wife & lover. She accepted this, & he was able to show her his love by taking off her clothes, & pleasing her with his mouth & cock. What a wonderful story, & she got a creampie ending as well!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Kokona Sakurai 【Japanese Housewife & Her Husband Make Love 4 The 1st Time】
- Synopsis: Kokona Sakurai is our cheating Japanese housewife. She’s lovely, sexy, & so cute. She still has the body of a young Japanese wife. Her husband has a deal with her that she’s allowed to live her life & him his ... & that they’ll only live together, but not as husband & wife or lovers. But there has been a change of heart with her husband. He came home one early morning after a night out with the office staff. She helped him when he came in the door, & while she was getting him ready for bed... Took his cock out of his pants & sucked him off. That wasn’t in their deal when they got married, but she saw him so vulnerable & how she’s able to help him, & decided that his cock in her mouth would be a nice thing for both of them. She sucked him off & he’s able to unload his full load of cum into her mouth. She loved the taste of his cum & hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time she had his cock deep inside her. Perhaps it was because of this that, her husband had a change of heart. He let her know that he wanted to change the arrangement between them 2, & he would like to experience a life with her as his real wife & lover. She accepted this, & he was able to show her his love by taking off her clothes, & pleasing her with his mouth & cock. What a wonderful story, & she got a creampie ending as well!!...