- Title: JapanHDV - Ayumi Wakaba 【Lovely Brunette Might Like An Office 3Some】 - Synopsis: Ravishing office babe, Ayumi Wakaba was recently hired, & already learning many secrets about the working style among her colleagues. She didn’t know that there’s a lot of fucking happening at business meetings, but today she’s going to experience one of those sessions, which is good because she has always wanted to try a 3Some with men she has never met B4. On the other hand, if the meeting turns out good, she’ll also get a nice bonus, so as soon as she met up with business partners, they started fucking like wild animals. 2 hard dicks in her mouth felt a bit too much, but ass-fuck & pussy-fuck at the same time felt just right, as well as a creampie in the end.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Ayumi Wakaba 【Lovely Brunette Might Like An Office 3Some】
- Synopsis: Ravishing office babe, Ayumi Wakaba was recently hired, & already learning many secrets about the working style among her colleagues. She didn’t know that there’s a lot of fucking happening at business meetings, but today she’s going to experience one of those sessions, which is good because she has always wanted to try a 3Some with men she has never met B4. On the other hand, if the meeting turns out good, she’ll also get a nice bonus, so as soon as she met up with business partners, they started fucking like wild animals. 2 hard dicks in her mouth felt a bit too much, but ass-fuck & pussy-fuck at the same time felt just right, as well as a creampie in the end.