- Title: FamilyTherapy - Mandy Waters 【Mom Comes 1st¦ Reasonable Request】 - Synopsis: “Why should I have to put up with this?!... I shop a little bit, what’s the big deal?!... I could have married anyone… Ur Dad isn’t even that rich. He’s really pushing it lately. It’s not easy being the perfect wife & StepMom. It just gets so stressful sometimes… I think I deserve to have a little fun”…
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- Title: FamilyTherapy - Mandy Waters 【Mom Comes 1st¦ Reasonable Request】
- Synopsis: “Why should I have to put up with this?!... I shop a little bit, what’s the big deal?!... I could have married anyone… Ur Dad isn’t even that rich. He’s really pushing it lately. It’s not easy being the perfect wife & StepMom. It just gets so stressful sometimes… I think I deserve to have a little fun”…