- Title: A Delicious Flight 【2015 】 - Synopsis: An innocent actress runs away from the scandal with an idol, the impudent idol that ruined her career, a passionate manager who's devoted to her... & his Ex-Gf who's now a sexy stewardess. These 4 that should never be together run into each other in an airplane. No 1 can run away, & the most cheeky & erotic things happen here.. - Starring: Jeong Yoo-Jin (A.K.A Ae-Ri), Shin Yu-Ju (A.K.A Sin-Yeong), & Yeong Ah (A.K.A Yui)
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- Title: A Delicious Flight 【2015 】
- Synopsis: An innocent actress runs away from the scandal with an idol, the impudent idol that ruined her career, a passionate manager who's devoted to her... & his Ex-Gf who's now a sexy stewardess. These 4 that should never be together run into each other in an airplane. No 1 can run away, & the most cheeky & erotic things happen here..
- Starring: Jeong Yoo-Jin (A.K.A Ae-Ri), Shin Yu-Ju (A.K.A Sin-Yeong), & Yeong Ah (A.K.A Yui)