- Title: JapanHDV - Runa Mizuki 【Seduces Her Husband 2 Fuck Her While Cooking】 - Synopsis: Runa Mizuki gets exactly what she wanted when she put on that apron today, & nothing underneath. Some would say she was just doing a little cooking for her husband in the kitchen, & shouldn’t have been bothered, but we would put forward the fact that she has a fantastic ass, & it’s only reasonable to assume that someone seeing that hot ass from behind while she was in the kitchen cooking wouldn’t be out of line to reach in & grab a hold of it. &, further more we would suggest & not without evidence that those cute titties of her R so suckable, & it wouldn’t be beyond expectations to assume that anyone seeing her in that apron without a bra on would pull that apron aside & pull those tits out to get a good sucking of nipples. These R the facts as we see them & we don’t think any other outcome would be had. We must also point out that after some light touching, kissing, & groping that Runa Mizuki lifted her apron high so that her husband could see her hairy pussy & grab a hold of it. She spread her legs wide, & allowed him to reach up & finger fuck her right there in the kitchen. After a bit of that, it was too much for him & he sat her down on that countertop, & spread her legs and dove in to get a slice of that hot pussy for himself. This is really the stuff that Japanese housewife dreams are made of.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Runa Mizuki 【Seduces Her Husband 2 Fuck Her While Cooking】
- Synopsis: Runa Mizuki gets exactly what she wanted when she put on that apron today, & nothing underneath. Some would say she was just doing a little cooking for her husband in the kitchen, & shouldn’t have been bothered, but we would put forward the fact that she has a fantastic ass, & it’s only reasonable to assume that someone seeing that hot ass from behind while she was in the kitchen cooking wouldn’t be out of line to reach in & grab a hold of it. &, further more we would suggest & not without evidence that those cute titties of her R so suckable, & it wouldn’t be beyond expectations to assume that anyone seeing her in that apron without a bra on would pull that apron aside & pull those tits out to get a good sucking of nipples. These R the facts as we see them & we don’t think any other outcome would be had. We must also point out that after some light touching, kissing, & groping that Runa Mizuki lifted her apron high so that her husband could see her hairy pussy & grab a hold of it. She spread her legs wide, & allowed him to reach up & finger fuck her right there in the kitchen. After a bit of that, it was too much for him & he sat her down on that countertop, & spread her legs and dove in to get a slice of that hot pussy for himself. This is really the stuff that Japanese housewife dreams are made of.