- Title: JapanHDV - Kai Miharu 【Wakes In The Hospital 2 The Sounds Of A Nurse Getting Fucked 【Pt. IV】 - Synopsis: Kai Miharu wakes up thinking she hears something strange, & she has to know what it is. She hears someone talking, & this voice is talking about strange things. What she’s saying is something sexual, & she needs to know what it is & what they’re doing. The sound is coming from behind the curtain and she has to know what it is. She pulls the curtain back & sees a nurse sitting on top of a doctor. She is fully dressed and has her legs spread & is sitting on his face with him smelling her pussy through her stockings & panties. He pulls at her stockings & rips them apart trying to get to her hot pussy. She stands up for him & he pulls the stockings down, & then her panties so he can get to her pussy. She has a big hairy pussy that looks so lovely as he reaches up & spreads her ass open so that he can access her pussy. She sits back down & pushes her pussy hard into his face as he grabs her ass & spreads her cheeks apart. What a hot fucking nurse she is, & now that the patient is so hard, he wants her to take his cock in her mouth & suck him off. He pulls down his pants & pulls out his cock. He’s erect & he’s ready for her cute mouth to slip his cock deep inside. This is the best show she could have imagined behind the curtain, as this doctor & nurse fuck in all positions!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Kai Miharu 【Wakes In The Hospital 2 The Sounds Of A Nurse Getting Fucked 【Pt. IV】
- Synopsis: Kai Miharu wakes up thinking she hears something strange, & she has to know what it is. She hears someone talking, & this voice is talking about strange things. What she’s saying is something sexual, & she needs to know what it is & what they’re doing. The sound is coming from behind the curtain and she has to know what it is. She pulls the curtain back & sees a nurse sitting on top of a doctor. She is fully dressed and has her legs spread & is sitting on his face with him smelling her pussy through her stockings & panties. He pulls at her stockings & rips them apart trying to get to her hot pussy. She stands up for him & he pulls the stockings down, & then her panties so he can get to her pussy. She has a big hairy pussy that looks so lovely as he reaches up & spreads her ass open so that he can access her pussy. She sits back down & pushes her pussy hard into his face as he grabs her ass & spreads her cheeks apart. What a hot fucking nurse she is, & now that the patient is so hard, he wants her to take his cock in her mouth & suck him off. He pulls down his pants & pulls out his cock. He’s erect & he’s ready for her cute mouth to slip his cock deep inside. This is the best show she could have imagined behind the curtain, as this doctor & nurse fuck in all positions!!...