- Title: JapanHDV - Shizuku Hutaba 【Sales Girl In An Orgy With Customers & Her Manager 【Pt. II】 - Synopsis: Shizuku Hutaba is the new office girl at a travel agency. She’s doing her best to bring in the sales. She happens to have had a couple of customers in the other day, & they bought a tour package but only cause Shizuku Hutaba let them play with her enormous tits. Since 1 of the office staff noticed this, he spoke with the manager... & now the manager is going to have some fun with the sexy new office girl Miss Shizuku Hutaba. It seems that she was also caught masturbating in the office bathroom, & now the office manager & her superior R very curious to see & hear how she did this. They decide to ask her to show them & also demonstrate how she was able to seduce the customer with her tits. This really started to get interesting when they opened her top, & took her tits out of her bra & decided to suck on her nipples to test how good they R. They’re very satisfied with her tits & the nipples were also fantastic to suck on. Shizuku Hutaba made such an impression on the customers who were in the day B4 that they came back & asked her to join them on the tour. They’re very interested in getting to know her some more. They also asked to see a bit more of her body, so Shizuku Hutaba was asked to strip there in front of the customers & office managers. This of course leads to an orgy where all 4 men get to enjoy the lovely Miss Shizuku Hutaba & her amazing tits!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Shizuku Hutaba 【Sales Girl In An Orgy With Customers & Her Manager 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: Shizuku Hutaba is the new office girl at a travel agency. She’s doing her best to bring in the sales. She happens to have had a couple of customers in the other day, & they bought a tour package but only cause Shizuku Hutaba let them play with her enormous tits. Since 1 of the office staff noticed this, he spoke with the manager... & now the manager is going to have some fun with the sexy new office girl Miss Shizuku Hutaba. It seems that she was also caught masturbating in the office bathroom, & now the office manager & her superior R very curious to see & hear how she did this. They decide to ask her to show them & also demonstrate how she was able to seduce the customer with her tits. This really started to get interesting when they opened her top, & took her tits out of her bra & decided to suck on her nipples to test how good they R. They’re very satisfied with her tits & the nipples were also fantastic to suck on. Shizuku Hutaba made such an impression on the customers who were in the day B4 that they came back & asked her to join them on the tour. They’re very interested in getting to know her some more. They also asked to see a bit more of her body, so Shizuku Hutaba was asked to strip there in front of the customers & office managers. This of course leads to an orgy where all 4 men get to enjoy the lovely Miss Shizuku Hutaba & her amazing tits!!...