- Title: JapanHDV - Nene Kinoshita 【In The Backyard BBQ With The Sexy Nene 【Pt. II】 - Series: If My Gf Was - Synopsis: Nene Kinoshita is Ur Gf. She’s the kind of girl that enjoys doing what U do, so a backyard BBQ is perfect for the both of U to spend time together relaxing on the weekend. Having a sexy girl like Nene Kinoshita be Ur Gf is a dream come true. Many men wish they had a girl like Nene Kinoshita. She’s very sexy & has a great body. She’s also fun, kind, & nice to be around. What’s nice about Nene Kinoshita is that after eating meat she gets real horny. Today, she had a lot of meat, which means she’s going to be super horny. & when U have a girl like Nene Kinoshita in Ur backyard, & she’s horny, U do whatever U can to get into her pussy. She makes the 1st move by spreading her legs & rubbing her pussy over her panties. This is such a turn on for U that U reach over & rub as well. & since U’re there rubbing, U decide that U would like to feel her tits up too. With 1 hand on the camera & the other on her, U pull her top up so U can get a hold of those big fat juicy tits. What a delight they R to hold. They’re so big. U’re the luckiest man in the world, & any man would trade places for U at that moment. U pull her tits out of her bra & go right for the nipples. What a fun way to spend the afternoon. Those tits R great but now it’s time to explore her hot wet pussy. Go see the whole video to see what happens next. U’re going to love it!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Nene Kinoshita 【In The Backyard BBQ With The Sexy Nene 【Pt. II】
- Series: If My Gf Was
- Synopsis: Nene Kinoshita is Ur Gf. She’s the kind of girl that enjoys doing what U do, so a backyard BBQ is perfect for the both of U to spend time together relaxing on the weekend. Having a sexy girl like Nene Kinoshita be Ur Gf is a dream come true. Many men wish they had a girl like Nene Kinoshita. She’s very sexy & has a great body. She’s also fun, kind, & nice to be around. What’s nice about Nene Kinoshita is that after eating meat she gets real horny. Today, she had a lot of meat, which means she’s going to be super horny. & when U have a girl like Nene Kinoshita in Ur backyard, & she’s horny, U do whatever U can to get into her pussy. She makes the 1st move by spreading her legs & rubbing her pussy over her panties. This is such a turn on for U that U reach over & rub as well. & since U’re there rubbing, U decide that U would like to feel her tits up too. With 1 hand on the camera & the other on her, U pull her top up so U can get a hold of those big fat juicy tits. What a delight they R to hold. They’re so big. U’re the luckiest man in the world, & any man would trade places for U at that moment. U pull her tits out of her bra & go right for the nipples. What a fun way to spend the afternoon. Those tits R great but now it’s time to explore her hot wet pussy. Go see the whole video to see what happens next. U’re going to love it!!...