- Title: Jiyuu Kanade (A.K.A Mio Shiraishi) & Ririka Hoshikawa (A.K.A Madoka Hitomi) 【Hot Spring Trip Couple Limited! Este - : Massage Netori A Cute Gf Trick Free Campaign 【FSET-687】 Synopsis: Invite a couple who’s enjoying a trip to Icharab Hot Springs to a massage with sweet words & take her to sleep!!... She’s loosening the stiffness of her body with a full-scale treatment using oil. However, the masseuse’s hands gradually move to a sick place... Even if U pretend not to feel it, the body that reacts sensitively can’t be deceived!!... The leaking sigh grows bigger, & U leave Urself to pleasure!!... - P.S: Anyone know who’s the 3rd girl?
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- Title: Jiyuu Kanade (A.K.A Mio Shiraishi) & Ririka Hoshikawa (A.K.A Madoka Hitomi) 【Hot Spring Trip Couple Limited! Este - : Massage Netori A Cute Gf Trick Free Campaign 【FSET-687】
Synopsis: Invite a couple who’s enjoying a trip to Icharab Hot Springs to a massage with sweet words & take her to sleep!!... She’s loosening the stiffness of her body with a full-scale treatment using oil. However, the masseuse’s hands gradually move to a sick place... Even if U pretend not to feel it, the body that reacts sensitively can’t be deceived!!... The leaking sigh grows bigger, & U leave Urself to pleasure!!...
- P.S: Anyone know who’s the 3rd girl?