the principle of "cuckolding" or the politically correct word so that idiots who agree to live with cumtanks feel better the principle of "hotwifing" and so disgusting, how can a sane man still touch his wife after that she was soiled by someone else... men who accept this are just homosexuals who don't accept it and want to live their homosexuality through their women... so go into the gay category and please stop rotting our porn
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the principle of "cuckolding" or the politically correct word so that idiots who agree to live with cumtanks feel better the principle of "hotwifing" and so disgusting, how can a sane man still touch his wife after that she was soiled by someone else... men who accept this are just homosexuals who don't accept it and want to live their homosexuality through their women... so go into the gay category and please stop rotting our porn
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