- Title: JapanHDV - Aya Kisaki 【Is Our Cheating Housewife Out With Her Lover【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: A lovely sexy Japanese housewife Miss Aya Kisaki is a cheating wife. She knows how to seduce a man, & in this new video of her... She’s using her sexy ass & cute tits to turn her lover on. She wears some sexy thong panties, dances around him & waits to see what he does. We think he’s going to like the attention she gives him. He waits, watches, & enjoys the show as she plays & runs her hands up & down his body. She loves to take time & ease into the fucking. He’s married, & so is she, but not to each other. They’re there to enjoy each other & don’t want to think about anything else. They want to enjoy the time they have together, & just spend their free time enjoying each other sexually. Aya Kisaki has a cute mouth that’s always hungry for cock, so she takes his cock out of his underwear to play with it. It’s already hard as she starts to play with it & jerk him off. She takes her time & uses his cock as her sucker as she slips it into her mouth to enjoy it. She has her tits out & her panties off on as she’s bent over sucking, licking, & just playing with that hard cock. This is the dream that’s having Aya Kisaki as Ur lover. She takes her time... Sucks, licks, & gets U off.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Aya Kisaki 【Is Our Cheating Housewife Out With Her Lover【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: A lovely sexy Japanese housewife Miss Aya Kisaki is a cheating wife. She knows how to seduce a man, & in this new video of her... She’s using her sexy ass & cute tits to turn her lover on. She wears some sexy thong panties, dances around him & waits to see what he does. We think he’s going to like the attention she gives him. He waits, watches, & enjoys the show as she plays & runs her hands up & down his body. She loves to take time & ease into the fucking. He’s married, & so is she, but not to each other. They’re there to enjoy each other & don’t want to think about anything else. They want to enjoy the time they have together, & just spend their free time enjoying each other sexually. Aya Kisaki has a cute mouth that’s always hungry for cock, so she takes his cock out of his underwear to play with it. It’s already hard as she starts to play with it & jerk him off. She takes her time & uses his cock as her sucker as she slips it into her mouth to enjoy it. She has her tits out & her panties off on as she’s bent over sucking, licking, & just playing with that hard cock. This is the dream that’s having Aya Kisaki as Ur lover. She takes her time... Sucks, licks, & gets U off.