- Title: JapanHDV - Maki Hojo 【Farmer Girl Masturbates In The Nature 【Caribbeancom-012513-246 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: It’s a wonderful day outside, & Maki Hojo & this man choose to spend it in the country. When seeing the building, this babe gets a little scared. She thinks that it may be a dangerous place. The guy that joins her has an idea: To determine Maki Hojo to do a thing that she can’t do in places with people around. It’s about getting nude in the nature, & Maki Hojo intuits it right from the very beginning. She’s asked to try her “B-Day Suit”. This babe asks this man once again, if there’s anybody in this building who can see her. After he guarantees that there’s nobody there, Maki Hojo starts taking her clothes off. Her nipples get harder from the impact with the chilly air. After the panties are off too, Maki Hojo expresses her joy of being all nude under the free sky. After taking some photos all nude, the babe gets a toy to masturbate with... There, in the nature. She puts this toy on her crack while the guy plays with the remote, controlling the intensity. He puts the toy on Maki Hojo’s clit and she trembles from all the sensations she gets. She compliments this man for making her clitoris feel so good. She also tells him that she’ll cum if he keeps on arousing her clit. Maki Hojo feels the pleasure conquering her... & in the end, she cums. She bends while having the big orgasm. The 2 R ready to come back.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Maki Hojo 【Farmer Girl Masturbates In The Nature 【Caribbeancom-012513-246 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: It’s a wonderful day outside, & Maki Hojo & this man choose to spend it in the country. When seeing the building, this babe gets a little scared. She thinks that it may be a dangerous place. The guy that joins her has an idea: To determine Maki Hojo to do a thing that she can’t do in places with people around. It’s about getting nude in the nature, & Maki Hojo intuits it right from the very beginning. She’s asked to try her “B-Day Suit”. This babe asks this man once again, if there’s anybody in this building who can see her. After he guarantees that there’s nobody there, Maki Hojo starts taking her clothes off. Her nipples get harder from the impact with the chilly air. After the panties are off too, Maki Hojo expresses her joy of being all nude under the free sky. After taking some photos all nude, the babe gets a toy to masturbate with... There, in the nature. She puts this toy on her crack while the guy plays with the remote, controlling the intensity. He puts the toy on Maki Hojo’s clit and she trembles from all the sensations she gets. She compliments this man for making her clitoris feel so good. She also tells him that she’ll cum if he keeps on arousing her clit. Maki Hojo feels the pleasure conquering her... & in the end, she cums. She bends while having the big orgasm. The 2 R ready to come back.