- Title: PervMom - Jasmine Daze 【Pussy Points System 】 - Synopsis: StepMom (A.K.A Jasmine Daze) awards points to her StepSon (A.K.A Franco) every time he does his chores, but Franco wants to know what he can exchange for his points. Franco ends up telling Jasmine Daze that she must let him exchange his points for sexual favors otherwise he will tell his dad that she’s been making him work for her!
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- Title: PervMom - Jasmine Daze 【Pussy Points System 】
- Synopsis: StepMom (A.K.A Jasmine Daze) awards points to her StepSon (A.K.A Franco) every time he does his chores, but Franco wants to know what he can exchange for his points. Franco ends up telling Jasmine Daze that she must let him exchange his points for sexual favors otherwise he will tell his dad that she’s been making him work for her!