- Title: SisLovesMe - Theodora Day 【An Unusual Lesson】 - Synopsis: When Theodora Day discovers that her StepBrother (A.K.A. Conor) is proposing to his Gf, she’s upset that no guy has ever taken her seriously & wonders what she can do to make herself wife material. Conor agrees to help her out, but only if she does everything he says... Starting with cooking some dinner while giving him a HJ!!... Theodora Day follows his advice, & soon she’s ready for the ultimate test: an audition for a honeymoon: Which means it’s time for Conor to go all the way with StepSis!!...
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- Title: SisLovesMe - Theodora Day 【An Unusual Lesson】
- Synopsis: When Theodora Day discovers that her StepBrother (A.K.A. Conor) is proposing to his Gf, she’s upset that no guy has ever taken her seriously & wonders what she can do to make herself wife material. Conor agrees to help her out, but only if she does everything he says... Starting with cooking some dinner while giving him a HJ!!... Theodora Day follows his advice, & soon she’s ready for the ultimate test: an audition for a honeymoon: Which means it’s time for Conor to go all the way with StepSis!!...