- Title: JapanHDV - Aiko Hirose 【& 4 Men In An Orgy Where She Sucks & Fucks Them All 【Pt. II】 - Series: News Announcer 【Pt. II Of II】 - Synopsis: Remember that time that a TV news girl (A.K.A Aiko Hirose) went to film & do a piece on a company, & the company had just had it’s management leave & take all the workers pay with them?!... The workers were having a terrible day, & Aiko Hirose shows up doing her TV news show & wants to talk to them. They didn’t appreciate that & made sure she knew that they weren’t going to chat with her about their company. Since Aiko Hirose is so cute & lovely, & these men R so horny from seeing her sexy figure in their offices that day, they invite her to come back & enjoy some time together with them. There R several men in the offices today, & they’re all happy to participate in the getting to know her time with Aiko Hirose. They take her in back, & they all put their hands on her & play with her naked body. 1 man sits behind her & grabs her tits while the other 2 men hold her legs back so her pussy is spread wide. The man grabbing her tits then slides his hand down to massage her huge pussy lips. they’re so large & suckable, & now that they’re getting massaged... They’re bright pink. Now since they’re all horny, the men take off their pants, pull their cocks out of their underwear, & offer them to Aiko Hirose to suck on 1 by 1. She’s an amazing cock sucker & she slides each cock down her throat like an expert. Go see what all these men do next with their lovely news caster!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Aiko Hirose 【& 4 Men In An Orgy Where She Sucks & Fucks Them All 【Pt. II】
- Series: News Announcer 【Pt. II Of II】
- Synopsis: Remember that time that a TV news girl (A.K.A Aiko Hirose) went to film & do a piece on a company, & the company had just had it’s management leave & take all the workers pay with them?!... The workers were having a terrible day, & Aiko Hirose shows up doing her TV news show & wants to talk to them. They didn’t appreciate that & made sure she knew that they weren’t going to chat with her about their company. Since Aiko Hirose is so cute & lovely, & these men R so horny from seeing her sexy figure in their offices that day, they invite her to come back & enjoy some time together with them. There R several men in the offices today, & they’re all happy to participate in the getting to know her time with Aiko Hirose. They take her in back, & they all put their hands on her & play with her naked body. 1 man sits behind her & grabs her tits while the other 2 men hold her legs back so her pussy is spread wide. The man grabbing her tits then slides his hand down to massage her huge pussy lips. they’re so large & suckable, & now that they’re getting massaged... They’re bright pink. Now since they’re all horny, the men take off their pants, pull their cocks out of their underwear, & offer them to Aiko Hirose to suck on 1 by 1. She’s an amazing cock sucker & she slides each cock down her throat like an expert. Go see what all these men do next with their lovely news caster!!...