- Synopsis: Parker Ambrose just can’t stop. His Gf dumped him, & he just can’t put his cock away as he repeatedly masturbates to jerk away the pain. This wouldn’t be an issue except now his StepMom (A.K.A Sydney Paige) has to clean his cum-stained towels, socks & even her good make-up rag?!... Things were getting awkward, so Sydney Paige decided to address her StepSon when she got a call from school about his little problem. Being a good StepMom, Sydney Paige comes with solutions. She knew Parker just needed some good pussy so he could forget the Ex, & go back to being a solid student. Parker’s StepMom rubbed his cock while she told him her idea, he had to agree - It’s a great plan!!... It got even better when Sydney Paige used both hands to jerk off & blow her StepSon’s big fat dick. She let it stretch her MILF hole as she rode her StepSon hard. Parker clapped his StepMom’s cheeks & made her orgasm all over his huge member. Sydney Paige let her StepSon cum all over her face & asked him to keep it a secret. I don’t think that will be the last time for those 2!!...
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- Synopsis: Parker Ambrose just can’t stop. His Gf dumped him, & he just can’t put his cock away as he repeatedly masturbates to jerk away the pain. This wouldn’t be an issue except now his StepMom (A.K.A Sydney Paige) has to clean his cum-stained towels, socks & even her good make-up rag?!... Things were getting awkward, so Sydney Paige decided to address her StepSon when she got a call from school about his little problem. Being a good StepMom, Sydney Paige comes with solutions. She knew Parker just needed some good pussy so he could forget the Ex, & go back to being a solid student. Parker’s StepMom rubbed his cock while she told him her idea, he had to agree - It’s a great plan!!... It got even better when Sydney Paige used both hands to jerk off & blow her StepSon’s big fat dick. She let it stretch her MILF hole as she rode her StepSon hard. Parker clapped his StepMom’s cheeks & made her orgasm all over his huge member. Sydney Paige let her StepSon cum all over her face & asked him to keep it a secret. I don’t think that will be the last time for those 2!!...