- Title: JapanHDV - Ria Sakurai 【Gets Her Jail Sentence Reduced After Sex Orgy 【Pt. II】 - Synopsis: Well, this isn’t so fun for Ria Sakurai to be in jail... But since she’s such a hot cock sucker, she has gotten her time reduced by sucking the jailer’s cock. Sucking cock is 1 of her special treats as she loves cock & if she can get 1 in her mouth, then she’s 1 happy girl. After her cock sucking time with the jailer, the jailer says he has an idea to get her out earlier. He has invited a bunch of men to visit the jail & hop in her jail cell. The 3 men are hungry & horny, & the jailer has made a deal. He’ll let these men in her cell, & she’ll allow them to have a fun party with her. & if she goes along with this fun orgy, she’ll get her time reduced. She decides it’s worth it, & there R 3 cocks there she can enjoy. So it’s worth it. The 3 men start to touch and play with her. They all get their hands on her, & start to touch & rub her. She has 1 some see through lingerie on. The men R hungry for her, & R ready to party & they start to rub her tits, & then they reach down to her panties & they start to rub it. They play with her clit through her panties & then she reaches out to grab their crotches as she now wants some of that cock. Go see what these 3 men do with her hot sweet pussy!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Ria Sakurai 【Gets Her Jail Sentence Reduced After Sex Orgy 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: Well, this isn’t so fun for Ria Sakurai to be in jail... But since she’s such a hot cock sucker, she has gotten her time reduced by sucking the jailer’s cock. Sucking cock is 1 of her special treats as she loves cock & if she can get 1 in her mouth, then she’s 1 happy girl. After her cock sucking time with the jailer, the jailer says he has an idea to get her out earlier. He has invited a bunch of men to visit the jail & hop in her jail cell. The 3 men are hungry & horny, & the jailer has made a deal. He’ll let these men in her cell, & she’ll allow them to have a fun party with her. & if she goes along with this fun orgy, she’ll get her time reduced. She decides it’s worth it, & there R 3 cocks there she can enjoy. So it’s worth it. The 3 men start to touch and play with her. They all get their hands on her, & start to touch & rub her. She has 1 some see through lingerie on. The men R hungry for her, & R ready to party & they start to rub her tits, & then they reach down to her panties & they start to rub it. They play with her clit through her panties & then she reaches out to grab their crotches as she now wants some of that cock. Go see what these 3 men do with her hot sweet pussy!!...