this kind of scenario written by morons...first scene : so she is less embarrassed by the fact that her future husband is cuckolded before even being married than by the fact that it is her husband who teaches her what to do? and if she doesn't know what to do why can she do it now? and then "omg it's huge" isn't she supposed to be a virgin? so it's huge compared to what she is supposed don't know yet how is it?
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this kind of scenario written by morons...first scene : so she is less embarrassed by the fact that her future husband is cuckolded before even being married than by the fact that it is her husband who teaches her what to do? and if she doesn't know what to do why can she do it now? and then "omg it's huge" isn't she supposed to be a virgin? so it's huge compared to what she is supposed don't know yet how is it?
The title is a bit of a lie