- Title: JapanHDV - Yuna Hoshizaki 【Fucked Next 2 Her Husband】 - Synopsis: After the dinner everybody goes to bed, but Yuna Hoshizaki is touched by her hubby’s friend. She's kissed & has her hot boobies fondled a lot. On the floor, on pillows, this naked slut has her cunt fucked with fingers. Her big tits R fondled again while she's fucked in her mouth deeper & deeper. Between the spread legs in on the guy’s top, this slutty wife is screwed again & again. After she's fucked doggy style, another man opens his eyes up and now she has to suck 2 dicks. Trying not to scream, Yuna Hoshizaki has her cunt filled with cum.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Yuna Hoshizaki 【Fucked Next 2 Her Husband】
- Synopsis: After the dinner everybody goes to bed, but Yuna Hoshizaki is touched by her hubby’s friend. She's kissed & has her hot boobies fondled a lot. On the floor, on pillows, this naked slut has her cunt fucked with fingers. Her big tits R fondled again while she's fucked in her mouth deeper & deeper. Between the spread legs in on the guy’s top, this slutty wife is screwed again & again. After she's fucked doggy style, another man opens his eyes up and now she has to suck 2 dicks. Trying not to scream, Yuna Hoshizaki has her cunt filled with cum.