- Title: JapanHDV - Iku Sakuragi 【Hot Orgy With 2 Men In A Hotel Rm In Macao 【Pt. III】 - Synopsis: Miss Iku Sakuragi had gone on a trip to forget about a break-up with her long-time Bf. She befriended her tour guide & his friend, & they had an evening of wild sex in a hot 3Some orgy. They became good friends & invited her over the next night, & they spent the evening together. The place was so nice, she thought she was back in Japan. They spent the 1st part of the evening just goofing around & playing, & then the men started to get horny as Iku Sakuragi looked so pretty. She’s even wearing a tiara with her hair done up, so she looked like a princess. She just looked cute, pretty, & sexy. The men started to tease & play with her, & brought out a vibrator & teased her with it. They asked her to show them some of her cleavage, & they pulled down her top some... So they could take a look at her tits. They got the vibrator ready, & they turned her around & started to massage her back with it. They pulled up her dress & they started to rub it on her ass as well. Once her dress was up, & they could see her thong panties... They pulled them aside to check out her cute hot ass. Then, they sat her back down & used that vibrator to rub on her nipples to get her warmed up as they brought out another sex toy. They used them both on her nipples, & then reached down between her legs to rub 1 on her clit. This got her warmed up enough to do what came next. Go see what these 3 did together once they got to the bedroom!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Iku Sakuragi 【Hot Orgy With 2 Men In A Hotel Rm In Macao 【Pt. III】
- Synopsis: Miss Iku Sakuragi had gone on a trip to forget about a break-up with her long-time Bf. She befriended her tour guide & his friend, & they had an evening of wild sex in a hot 3Some orgy. They became good friends & invited her over the next night, & they spent the evening together. The place was so nice, she thought she was back in Japan. They spent the 1st part of the evening just goofing around & playing, & then the men started to get horny as Iku Sakuragi looked so pretty. She’s even wearing a tiara with her hair done up, so she looked like a princess. She just looked cute, pretty, & sexy. The men started to tease & play with her, & brought out a vibrator & teased her with it. They asked her to show them some of her cleavage, & they pulled down her top some... So they could take a look at her tits. They got the vibrator ready, & they turned her around & started to massage her back with it. They pulled up her dress & they started to rub it on her ass as well. Once her dress was up, & they could see her thong panties... They pulled them aside to check out her cute hot ass. Then, they sat her back down & used that vibrator to rub on her nipples to get her warmed up as they brought out another sex toy. They used them both on her nipples, & then reached down between her legs to rub 1 on her clit. This got her warmed up enough to do what came next. Go see what these 3 did together once they got to the bedroom!!...