- Title: JapanHDV - Airi Mizusawa 【Gags On Cock & Cum Down Her Throat While Wearing Her Uniform 】 - Series: Spoiled Teen - Synopsis: Airi Mizusawa is back, & she has made sure to wear the costume & panties that were requested of her. She belongs to the costume club, & she has a special friend that will request that she wear certain outfits for him. Today, Airi Mizusawa comes in, & he’s waiting for her. He gets up to check her out & see if she has complied with his requests. He walks up to her, & he pulls her schoolgirl skirt up. He’s pleased to see that under her costume she’s wearing a pair of see through panties. They’re very small & tight, & they really show off her cute pussy. This is what he wanted, & since she has been so good & done exactly as she was told he has a surprise for her. He explains to her what her mouth is for. She repeats after him that her mouth is made for sucking cock. She has a perfect mouth for cock, & today... She’s going to be using her mouth for what it was made for. He brings in the surprise, & it’s 2 models. 1 has a big fat cock & the other not so large. She’s going to get down on her knees, & she’s going to take 1 cock in her hands while she takes the other in her mouth. Her job is to lick and suck these 2 cocks off while her friend watches her. Because she has been so good to wear her costume, she’s going to get a mouth full of hot cum as her reward!!...
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- Title: JapanHDV - Airi Mizusawa 【Gags On Cock & Cum Down Her Throat While Wearing Her Uniform 】
- Series: Spoiled Teen
- Synopsis: Airi Mizusawa is back, & she has made sure to wear the costume & panties that were requested of her. She belongs to the costume club, & she has a special friend that will request that she wear certain outfits for him. Today, Airi Mizusawa comes in, & he’s waiting for her. He gets up to check her out & see if she has complied with his requests. He walks up to her, & he pulls her schoolgirl skirt up. He’s pleased to see that under her costume she’s wearing a pair of see through panties. They’re very small & tight, & they really show off her cute pussy. This is what he wanted, & since she has been so good & done exactly as she was told he has a surprise for her. He explains to her what her mouth is for. She repeats after him that her mouth is made for sucking cock. She has a perfect mouth for cock, & today... She’s going to be using her mouth for what it was made for. He brings in the surprise, & it’s 2 models. 1 has a big fat cock & the other not so large. She’s going to get down on her knees, & she’s going to take 1 cock in her hands while she takes the other in her mouth. Her job is to lick and suck these 2 cocks off while her friend watches her. Because she has been so good to wear her costume, she’s going to get a mouth full of hot cum as her reward!!...