\- Synopsis: Chika Sasaki came home from work a bit later than usual, so she got down & dirty with her husband right away. She knows that he gets very horny in the night, & can’t wait to see her, so more he waits for her, more unpleasant it gets. She didn’t even go to the bedroom to change, he wanted to do it in the kitchen, right away. She was licking & sucking his balls & dick, & gently rubbing it with her soft palms, because it was already hard & ready to explode. He didn’t want to jerk off just like that, because a special pleasure for him is to cum all over his wife’s face or straight in her mouth, since that rounds up his experience in every way.
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\- Synopsis: Chika Sasaki came home from work a bit later than usual, so she got down & dirty with her husband right away. She knows that he gets very horny in the night, & can’t wait to see her, so more he waits for her, more unpleasant it gets. She didn’t even go to the bedroom to change, he wanted to do it in the kitchen, right away. She was licking & sucking his balls & dick, & gently rubbing it with her soft palms, because it was already hard & ready to explode. He didn’t want to jerk off just like that, because a special pleasure for him is to cum all over his wife’s face or straight in her mouth, since that rounds up his experience in every way.