- Title: JapanHDV - JapanHDV - Naho Hazuki 【Visits A Client In His Hotel Rm 2 Spend The Evening】 - Synopsis: Naho Hazuki has come to visit a client in his Hotel Rm. The client is a gentleman that’s in town for business, & is quite busy, so doesn’t have much time to go out & enjoy an evening out. It’s more convenient to order a young lady from a service to come to visit him in his own hotel. He’s anxiously awaiting a knock on his hotel door. He’s very pleasantly surprised to find a lovely young lady there when he opens the door, Miss Naho Hazuki. She’s a cutie with a happy smile & face. She comes in, & they chat for a bit, & he’s obviously very excited about what is about to happen. She suggest that they shower together 1st, & she reaches over to take off his clothes. Once they’re in the shower, she takes her time to clean him up & make him all clean all the while trying to relax him some. Naho Hazuki has big fat juicy tits. They’re amazing & R a perfect set of tits to watch as they sway back & forth as she takes her time scrubbing his body. She then leans over & takes his cock in her mouth. She takes her time to lick & suck on his cock, & then stands up to lick his nipples while she jerks his cock. After getting him all clean, she takes him into the Rm to lay on the bed & go back down on him. He’s so turned on he rolls her over to slip down & bury his head in her lovely pussy!!... - Series: Cheating Wife
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- Title: JapanHDV - JapanHDV - Naho Hazuki 【Visits A Client In His Hotel Rm 2 Spend The Evening】
- Synopsis: Naho Hazuki has come to visit a client in his Hotel Rm. The client is a gentleman that’s in town for business, & is quite busy, so doesn’t have much time to go out & enjoy an evening out. It’s more convenient to order a young lady from a service to come to visit him in his own hotel. He’s anxiously awaiting a knock on his hotel door. He’s very pleasantly surprised to find a lovely young lady there when he opens the door, Miss Naho Hazuki. She’s a cutie with a happy smile & face. She comes in, & they chat for a bit, & he’s obviously very excited about what is about to happen. She suggest that they shower together 1st, & she reaches over to take off his clothes. Once they’re in the shower, she takes her time to clean him up & make him all clean all the while trying to relax him some. Naho Hazuki has big fat juicy tits. They’re amazing & R a perfect set of tits to watch as they sway back & forth as she takes her time scrubbing his body. She then leans over & takes his cock in her mouth. She takes her time to lick & suck on his cock, & then stands up to lick his nipples while she jerks his cock. After getting him all clean, she takes him into the Rm to lay on the bed & go back down on him. He’s so turned on he rolls her over to slip down & bury his head in her lovely pussy!!...
- Series: Cheating Wife