- Title: JapanHDV - Miyu Shiina 【Dreamy Young Girl Shows Us How She Masturbates 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: Miyu Shiina is such a dreamy girl. She’s young & adorable. She looks like a good girl who’s still a virgin. However, she has a dirty sexuality. That’s why she became a pornstar. She had many sexual experiences, & she’s in touch with her sexuality, as U’ll see in the interview in this video. We asked her so many dirty questions, & she’s so open about everything. Quick to answer, she gave us more than we could ask. She told us about her masturbation habit, & then she agreed to play with herself in front of the camera for us. She started by teasing her titties. Those gorgeous big boobs R natural, & they’re so sensitive. She just needs to squeeze them a bit, & her pussy gets so wet. On top of that, she also has a perky sensitive clit. She just needs to rub it for a while, & she’s cumming. We were surprised to see that she’s clean-shaven. & we’re happy about it because that pussy looks so nice. We waited for her to have an orgasm by herself. She started fingering her hole, & her juices flooded out of her hole when the orgasm hit. & then we couldn’t stop from intervening. We grabbed a set of sex toys & started playing with her little twat. She’s such an orgasmic young girl, & we wanted to see how much we could push her. She had so many orgasms with our toys. - Scene II: JapanHDV - Miyu Shiina 【Petite Squirter Gets Fucked & Creampied】 - Series: Gravure Idol Collection - P.S: Anyone know the movie code?
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- Title: JapanHDV - Miyu Shiina 【Dreamy Young Girl Shows Us How She Masturbates 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: Miyu Shiina is such a dreamy girl. She’s young & adorable. She looks like a good girl who’s still a virgin. However, she has a dirty sexuality. That’s why she became a pornstar. She had many sexual experiences, & she’s in touch with her sexuality, as U’ll see in the interview in this video. We asked her so many dirty questions, & she’s so open about everything. Quick to answer, she gave us more than we could ask. She told us about her masturbation habit, & then she agreed to play with herself in front of the camera for us. She started by teasing her titties. Those gorgeous big boobs R natural, & they’re so sensitive. She just needs to squeeze them a bit, & her pussy gets so wet. On top of that, she also has a perky sensitive clit. She just needs to rub it for a while, & she’s cumming. We were surprised to see that she’s clean-shaven. & we’re happy about it because that pussy looks so nice. We waited for her to have an orgasm by herself. She started fingering her hole, & her juices flooded out of her hole when the orgasm hit. & then we couldn’t stop from intervening. We grabbed a set of sex toys & started playing with her little twat. She’s such an orgasmic young girl, & we wanted to see how much we could push her. She had so many orgasms with our toys.
- Scene II: JapanHDV - Miyu Shiina 【Petite Squirter Gets Fucked & Creampied】
- Series: Gravure Idol Collection
- P.S: Anyone know the movie code?